ITF West
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti joined Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) leadership and elected officials for a ceremonial groundbreaking for the Intermodal Transportation Facility – West (ITF-West), a key component of Los Angeles International Airport’s (LAX) Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP). Located between Westchester Parkway and 96th Street, the ITF-West, a parking structure and mobility hub, will be the first component of LAX’s modernization projects to be completed, opening in 2021. Two new roadways – Jetway Boulevard and 93rd Street – will provide direct access to the facility.
The four-story structure will provide much-needed parking for the fourth-busiest airport in the world, adding approximately 4,500 stalls – more than half of the parking stalls located in the Central Terminal Area (CTA) structures today. Featuring short and long-term parking options, the facility also will boast a Meet and Greet area, valet parking, electrical vehicle charging stations, and potential space for concessions. A shuttle will transport travelers and employees from the ITF-West to and from the CTA until completion of the Automated People Mover (APM) project in 2023. The ITF-West will feature an APM station, providing direct access to the new train system, and time-guaranteed access to the CTA once the APM is completed.
Los Angeles, CA

“Today’s groundbreaking is an important milestone in our work to build the world-class airport travelers expect and deserve,” said Mayor Eric Garcetti. “Once complete, the ITF-West will stand as a new front door to our airport welcoming travelers, reducing traffic congestion, and offering a seamless connection with the upcoming Automated People Mover.”
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