Feb 14

Industry competitors Lauren Weinbaum and Sri Kumar chat about small businesses challenges and the importance of collaboration.

WMG and Connico are technically competitors in the construction space - and that’s exactly what makes this podcast so interesting. 

Industry competitors Lauren Weinbaum and Sri Kumar had a chat recently about the challenges small businesses face, the advantages of partnering with small businesses, and the importance of collaborating with and learning from one another.

The term “competition” often gets people’s hackles up, but Lauren and Sri look at it differently.  Collaboration allows competitors to share ideas, gain insight into the industry, and position themselves as leaders in their respective niches. 

Listen on to hear Lauren and Sri discuss their backgrounds, industry networking, small business challenges and more:

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Office: 310.598.7107
WMG is a certified DBE/SBE Construction Management Firm (ID# 41529) through the Los Angeles County Metro Transportation Authority (MTA/METRO), a participating member of the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP).

Office: 310.598.7107
WMG is a certified DBE/SBE Construction Management Firm (ID# 41529) through the Los Angeles County Metro Transportation Authority (MTA/METRO), a participating member of the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP).